Single Camera vs Multi Camera Production


Image result for single camera productionSingle Camera productions are movies or any motion picture filmed by only one camera where all the shots taken are edited to seem like a fluent continuous scene. Directors often opt to use a single camera as there are many creative advantages as otherwise awkward scenes can be achieved easily as well as it avoids other cameras from being in the shot. These both contribute to the cinematic feel of the production as directors can focus on a particular detail which in turns assures that the narrative of the film is not lost for the audience members. Moreover, there are also more obvious advantages such as it is cheaper for the production team as less equipment is needed for filming and lighting. Popular TV series which use single camera techniques include Modern Family, New Girl, The Office and Brooklyn nine-nine. Movies which include Single Camera production would be Clueless and The Addams Family.


Image result for brooklyn 99 single cameraRelated imageIn the Sitcom Brooklyn nine-nine, the Single Camera Shots allow the dynamic between the characters to be inferred by the audience as it is easier to follow-on jokes. Moreover, as the episode develops it becomes evident that the single camera follows around a certain character or multiple characters. This helps follow the flow of the narrative and storyline. It also means that the cameraman/woman can zoom in and out when convenient to emphasise jokes or an expression on a character's face.

CREED - Movie

Image result for creed boxing leo
Image result for creed boxing leoIn the movie Creed the director takes Single Camera production techniques to an extreme by including a fight scene filmed in a single uninterrupted take. The boxing scene's single take  format cleverly imitated the real emotions and feelings of a professional fight to the audience. The Cameraman's close proximity to the actors intense boxing match and constant movement surrounding the actors of in and out and circling depicted the real emotions and exhaustion a boxer would feel. The choreography and dedication of learning the precise timing of where to stand may have resulted to be extremely difficult to the actors however very rewarding as the finished single-take looks clean and sharp.


Image result for explosion in moviesSingle Camera Production's also have a few disadvantages which can occur when the single camera fails to work perfectly when filming an expensive shot such as an explosion. When this occurs re-filming can be very time-consuming and costly which will not be convenient for low budget productions. Other disadvantages includes that it could affect the continuity of a scene or require an extreme amount of editing after to do so. This tends to be very time-consuming for both the people filming the scenes and the people in charged of editing and perfecting the final footage.


Image result for multi camera production
Multi Camera Production is extremely popular for sitcoms that have a live audience following the actors punchlines and moves. This is because the actors rely on the audiences reaction to jokes and therefore continuity is extremely important throughout the scenes. Also, the flow of the storyline must also be consistent meaning it would be almost impossible to reshot a scene such as a fluent conversation from multiple angles using only one camera. Therefore, the best alternative would be to have multiple camera angles filming from different perspectives in order to get the best shot of a scene that hopefully would only be filmed once. The live audience then benefits from a smooth live performance whereas the director is also benefiting by being able to control the angles shown by the click of a button. Overall the coverage of footage from a multi-camera production is a lot greater than from a single-camera production.


Image result for big bang theory multi camera
In the Sitcom Big Bang Theory there is a live audience who contribute by reacting and laughing at the characters jokes and reactions. The audience is sat directly across from the  set of the TV series where the actors perform, similar to a theater production. This means that they experience a cinematic feel to the performance meaning that their reactions and laughs are genuine which is important as it could effect the actor's performance who rely on the audiences interaction and amusement. 


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However, with Multi Camera there are many disadvantages as it is extremely expensive to buy all the equipment needed including the cameras, lights and set up. This also means that the cost of the crew members will increase as there will be more people needed to control each aspect of the set up. Moreover, the editing of multiple camera angles could effect the realist feel of TV series as there are many cuts. 


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