Narrative Structures
Every movie has a narrative structure which guides the plot of the movie and is used to keep the audience engaged. Film theorist Tzventan Todorov was the first to identify that almost every narrative story followed the same 5 stages. The first is the equilibrium this is always at the start of a film when director gives the audience a glimpse into the character's regular life before any eventful scenario. The second stage is the disruption which is the event or situation which causes a shift or change in the character otherwise ordinary life. The disruption is made extremely evident to the audience due to the contrast to the previous few scenes which have already been established. The third stage in the narrative structure is recognition where a character in the narrative story most often the main character who is viewed as the 'hero' realises the disruptive 'problem' and takes action to fix it. The fourth stage is repair where the 'hero' character...